Ah, our continuing LGBTQ mess. It's likely been around since people have been around.
Time was it was kept in the closet where it belonged.
Nowadays, too many want to flaunt their aberrant sexuality inappropriately incurring the wrath of a lot of "straight" people in their midst.
Today is the so-called Day of Silence. It has been around since 1996 and is held on April 12 this year.
Ostensibly, it is meant to provide a reason to whine about the rejection LGBTQ pervs feel regarding their level of acceptance in society and wonder why the sicko immoral unscrupulous vote grubbing democrats are the only ones who "accept" them.
So while I remain a staunchly "live and let live" person and stay out of the personal affairs of others, LGBTQ individuals may wish to consider just how much some of us would like to silence permanently those we consider to be deviants.
Happy Day of Silence you debauched, debased, profane, vitiated human beings you. Diverse that fudge packers and carpet munchers. Hopefully, at least you're not so stupid as to think you can be the opposite sex just because you "want" to regardless of your chromasomes.
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