
Man Day 2024

    sketch after Big Man by Ron Mueck
Man day is held the Sunday prior to Valentines Day in tribute to the male of the species.

Unlike Valentines Day which is a couples observance, Man Day is a celebration of the XY chromosomally configured louts who populate the earth in an effort to show some love and appreciation toward them.

There is no inclusion of the so-called 'trans-man' who is the figment of a segment of the misguided population's imagination. The so-called 'trans-man' is a woman masquerading as something she can never be.

Man Day is not a day for excessive indulgences, but more a low key acknowledgement as it were.

I'm not one for such goings on even though I too am a genetic male and therefore an actual man ... not some cheap imitation set forth by some delusional irrational transexual.

I don't need any text messages. I don't need a card, ecard or otherwise. I don't need to be 'pumped up' with any flattering drivel. If you need to take your shot and move on. I am what I am and that's good enough for me.

It's all just another day in the life for me personally.

However, I'm not opposed to these indulgences and I can think of a lot of men who could use a little recognition of what they are despite that level to which they may aspire.

So happy Man Day to all the men out there and try not to let it go to your head. You'll be the same downtrodden human being the idiot woke world considers you on the twelveth.

See Also:

Man Day 2023