
January 17, 2025
National Bootlegger's Day 2025
I've known a couple of bootleggers in my day. Being from the rural South it is conceivable that I might have turned out with the skill to 'turn off a gallon or two'.

Today is National Bootlegger’s Day. It is observed each January since 2015 under the asupices of Infinium Spirits in honor of certain historical references to imbibing:

  The beginning of prohibition in the US
  Distillation of Templeton Rye whiskey
  The birthday of the infamous gangster Al Capone

These events all intersect with bootlegging at several levels and the stupidity of the nation to even propose prohibition is evidence for the idiocy of elected officials which persists to this day.

That outlaw nature of bootlegging probably lends credence to it's allure. In the vicinity of my home there are even a segment of the population named 'Still' and they are by and large rebellious and outlawesque in the big scheme of things. So while the teetotaler I am will remain I mark the day as a point in the history of my people.

Happy National Bootlegger’s Day.


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January 16, 2025
National Religious Freedom Day 2025
    small white church
Religion is a longstanding system of that belief in — and reverence for a supernatural power or powers, regarded as creating and governing the universe.

Specifically, it refers to your specific variety of that belief as it relates to doctrine and practice.

So belief in a spiritual leader typically results in beliefs, values, and practices based on their teachings.

Religion is disparate. It exhibits fundamental differences in kind.

National Religious Freedom Day is observed each January 16 to promote peace and acceptance among the religions of the world. The day emphasizes the right to personal religious beliefs.

You may go to worship in a formal church based surroundings or not.

Not all nations hold liberal tolerance for religious beliefs. There are countries with "state" religions who will punish you severely for failure to adhere to their tenets.

The signing of the International Religious Freedom Act in 1998 in addition to US Congress and US Presidential Administration have added impetus to this notion of religious freedom.

My personal views are of a Christian caucasian Christ and Godhead orientation.

I am not a church goer per se opting for online and televised biblical study for which I make no apologies.

I am also not one of these who holds some denominational religion in high esteem.

Denominations are separist traditions of men.

I understand that there are many who beg to differ with me regarding this.

For example, I think that the sitting Pope Francis is a blatant miscreant heretic who should be burned alive at the stake. I would gladly pile on the wood and light the brush kindling in the best notions of those beginning scenes in the movie Elizabeth of 1998.

I will also accept those beliefs you hold for yourself and would never belittle them as a matter of course unless they are parallel to the notions of the heretic Francis, Bishop of Rome. Boo !

However, in the presence of religious freedom I will retain the right to choose that set of religious notions which mesh with my attitudes otherwise.

Happy National Religious Freedom Day.

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January 15, 2025
National Hat Day 2025
fedora in black felt    
I don't presently own a hat.

My days of hat wearing up til now were primarily a function of my navy service — whereby I was required to wear various head gear in the performance of my duties.

My brother came over day before yesterday in a brown leather looking fedora. He was surprised to see that the conspicuously large hat did not fit on my even larger melon.

Today is National Hat Day. It's a January 15 ocurrence noting the hat in general as both a fashion statement and utilitarian accessory.

I keep thinking I will sucumb to the notion and buy one but it hasn't happened yet. I don't when I became so adamately opposed to hats in general. I suppose it is a function of some underlying dissatisfaction with male pattern baldness or something equally petty.

So if you're so inclined you might don your favorite hat and mark the day in accordance with your personal wishes.

Happy National Hat Day and let me know if you ever see me wearing my black felt fedora as I have planned so many times in the past.

See Also:

Wear a Hat Day 2024
National Felt Hat Day 2022

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January 14, 2025
Organize Your Home Day 2025
That elusive butterfly of optimal home organization.

Yes, I have sought it unsuccessfully for the vast bulk of my life.

While a cluttered desk is said to be the sign of a genius, I find the clutter somewhat foreboding in the presence of all that remains to be done these days.

I attribute this primarily to that impression of the critical level of slovenly slob which appears to inhabit my psyche.

So I engage an angle of attack which suits my lifestyle and go at it repeatedly. Often I am unsuccessful in that endeavor known as reduced entropy.

Today is Organize Your Home Day. It is a January 14th happening this year and a time to take stock of all the clutter that has been accumulating in your house.

They say to donate what you can and discard what you can’t.

The aim is more effective storage space utilization.

The origins of the day like so may others remain obscure.

Regardless you should get on in there and grab that clutter by the throat and evict it from your premeses.

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January 13, 2025
Make Your Dream Come True Day 2024
Glenda the Good Witch    
Our dreams are a function of our ambition, wants, wishes, and desires for ourselves and/or others.

Today is Make Your Dream Come True Day.

It happens each January 13th and is a mechanism for attempting to fulfill all of your dreams — whatever they entail or whomever they involve.

The day is observed as encouragement for each one of us to make our dreams come true.

The origins of the day are quite obscure to say the least, but the notion is always timely and relevant to human existence from a standpoint of self fulfillment.

The act of highlighting those hopes and wishes we may entertain is sometimes called "daydreaming" and they are alleged to be but fantasies made manifest as a result of our personal hopes, dreams, and thoughts.

Whatever your orientation to reality, I hope you'll take a moment to indulge your dreams and who knows, your wishes just may come true.

Like Glenda the Good Witch said, "There's no place like home".

To date, this was my most important wish as well. I gained my domicile back in the early 1990s and have been happy and satisfied by and large ever since.

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January 12, 2025
Work Harder Day 2025
    Rebecca Romejin as Mystique

Hard work provides benefits to your existence. Opportunity for advancement, retirement fundage, the respect of your peers as well as your employers.

Work Harder Day is observed each January 12th and is as the name suggests; an opportunity to work harder and the reap the benefits of a job well done.

Success is a function of hard work, subject mastery, skill acquisition and public comportment.

I have found personally that the more humble approach is much more well received than the braggadocio that sometimes eminates from our traps just because we think we have done well.

Work Harder Day appears to have began back in 2016.

You want to stand on your own two feet so it won't be discovered that like Thomas Edison your main claim to fame is riding on the coat tails of someone truly worthy.

Happy Work Harder Day and I wish you success in your endeavors.

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January 11, 2025
New York crooks Lawfare Judge and Manhattan DA
New York Sucks    
The threads have been revealing that the uncouth, sloppy, and unlawful Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Soros bitch whore Judge Merchan intentionally violated the constitutional and legal rights of President Donald J Trump while his democrat activist slimeball daughter monetized the democratic party and their losses in the 2024 election.

Bragg's unconstitutional and unprecedented Russian nesting doll theory of criminal liability, in which the jury never had to reach unanimity as to each element of the alleged criminal offenses. There must be accountability. There must be consequences.

Bragg usurped the federal government's exclusive authority to prosecute alleged violations of federal campaign finance laws and the Biden Harris Administration's refused to intercede to protect federal interests. These people were in cahoots to contrive charges and they are in addition to the democratic party and main stream media liars of comission and omission. Boo.

Judge Merchan's conspicuously bad and offensive legal rulings before and during the trial that all curtailed President Trump's rights, including:

His failure to recuse himself for blatant political bias against President Trump.

The unconstitutional gag order he imposed on President Trump during the trial.

Judge Merchan's admission of plainly inadmissible, irrelevant, and unfairly prejudicial testimony against President Trump.

His refusal to permit former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley Smith to testify as to the meaning and complexities of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

This custom lawfare should result in prision for life on bread and water or execution of the perpetrators. Put them against a wall, shoot them, and allow them to rot where their worthless criminal asses drop.

Those who practice law in New York, including elected district attorneys and appointed judges, must take a "constitutional oath of office," swearing or affirming to "support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the State of New York."

The oath required District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan ostensibly meant they were "bound to a constitutional course of conduct." In their politicized efforts to indict and convict President Trump, they failed these oaths of office. The State of New York did not hold them to any of the standards of ethics and comportment set forth in the judiciary.

Given that President Trump's indictment was conceived in legal and constitutional error with a trial complicated simply made everything worse. An honest review of the facts and the law will likely lead appellate courts to vacate the conviction and dismiss the indictment with prejudice.

This restore some of the American people's trust and confidence in our justice system but MUCH remains to be done. In the meantime, the Committee and Select Subcommittee will continue our oversight of lawfare and its effect on the rule of law in the United States.

However, there needs to be accountability during the crimes not as an after thought.

juan merchon soros nazi whore

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January 10, 2025
National Save the Eagles Day 2025

It's a shame that the notion of saving the Eagle even needs mentioning.

This is a function of all the foreigners intruding into the country who have no notion of anything American nor any pride in the United States, our culture, and those things which represent it.

National Save the Eagles Day happens each January 10 since 2015 under the auspices of the Bergen County Audubon Society in a response to attempts to remove eagle habitat with an emphasis on further effort to publicize the plight of eagles and show appreciation for those conservation efforts being attempted.

Laws enacted such as the Endangered Species Act protect these magnificent birds but really — can this possibly be enough.

The majestic eagle should be saved by any means necessary. I say run off the foreigners whom I feel are the crux of all too many conservation issues. They think they can come here and turn the US into something akin to their middle Eastern and Asian Indian shitholes they escaped.

Happy National Save the Eagles Day.

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January 9, 2025
National Apricot Day 2025
I recall the apricots of Blackfoot Idaho when I was a child. There were orchards with trees of them. There were all kinds of other fruits as well, apples in particular. I used to consume them with great relish. They are of the rose family of plants and are known as "drupes" because they are a fleshy fruit like the peach, plum, or cherry and have a single hard stone encasing their seed.

Over the ensuing years I have eaten fewer apricots but I still enjoy them when I do indulge. They are said to provide quality nutrition with a low calorie count. They are a rich source of potassium and hydration. They are also a good source for beta carotene.

I find the eye health afforded by this carotenoid is significant. They contain high amounts of various other antioxidents as well. They are also said to improve the quality of the skin and alimentary canal including the liver.

Today is National Apricot Day. This occurs each January 9 annually. I think the primary purpose of the day is to separate the apricot from the peach. The fruit dates back to two thousand years before Christ and were first produced as cultivars in China and central Asia and were distributed along the Great Silk Road to the Persians who took them and ran with them.

Anyway, you can do a lot worse than apricots in your diet. I attempt to consume them more often these days.

Happy National Apricot Day.

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January 8, 2025
Typing Day 2025
    keyboard segment
Typing Day celebrates the ability to key or type upon a keyboard and effect communications with one another. Some of us take it a bit further and utilize the keyboard to earn a substantial living. I worked in computers for 40 years and utilized both text editors and command line interfaces in addition to the lamer Graphical User Interfaces such as those of Linux and Windoze.

Typing Day is observed every January 8. I personally lost the word "typing" years back in favor of "keying" or "keyboarding" because it is more relevant to my career in general. The first typewriters were manufactured in 1874 but did not become widely available until the 1885 or so.

I follow the day primarily because the skill was essential to my career. Had I not acquired strong keyboard utilization I dare say I would have never attained the nickname of "Wiz". It wasn't the speed so much as the combination of content and rapid acquisition.

Regardless, I hope you have taken to the keyboard. However, I also feel that cursive writing is important as well because today's students are stunningly lacking in the ability to read or write in cursive.

Talk about illiteracy being rampant in the educational system. This what you get for allowing the libtards to teach your children.

Happy Typing Day to you and try to keep it all in context.

See Also:

Typing Day 2020
Typing Day 2019

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January 7, 2025
National Bobblehead Day 2025
The Trumpinator Bobblehead

Yeah I've collected a few bobbleheads over the years. They represent characters in theatre and pop culture with which I have developed an affinity.

I have Beavis and Butthead from my old MTV days. I have Dexter because the character creeped me out. I have Amy Farrah Fowler from my spate watching The Big Bang Theory because I am attracted to brainy witty woman childs. Of course I have a Trumpinator bobblehead because I have been behind President Elect Donald Trump primarily due to the treatment he has suffered at the hands of the evil democrats and the slugs consisting of New York lawfare negros in particular.

I buy bobbleheads representing those individuals with whom I find affinity. This will never be a lying ass lawfare democrat nor dirtbag New York Attorney, General or otherwise, NOR some crooked concocted New York scum jury either. I am keenly aware of predators such as these.

☠  You know Michael Cohen the rat,
☠  New York Attorney General soros whore Letitia James,
☠  New York Attorney soros whore Alvin Bragg,
☠  New York County Judge soros whore Juan Merchan and soros whore democrat monetizing bitch daughter,
☠  The New York Jury soros whores.
☠  George Soros, his peckerhead son Alexander as well as his entire meddling lawfare financing organization.

I feel these criminals should ALL be packed up and sent to GITMO in chains.
Bread and water for life with no chance of parole.

I don't really take bobbleheads seriously. I do, however take the piss poor government of New York and the liar democrat lawfare scumbags of congress seriously.

Democrats need to give me wide berth and don't tell me their party affiliation if they don't want trouble.

My name is trouble. I like the rough stuff. Don't give me anymore reasons.

Happy National Bobblehead Day.

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January 6, 2025
January 6 has been misrepresented
January 6, 2021 saw a group of Trumpers go to the US Capitol to demonstrate their disagreement with the so-called election whereby Joe Biden the mindless libtard turd was declared winner of electoral votes from the 2020 presidential election using the mechanism of cheating.

This incident has been misrepresented by:

☠  The so-called "United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack".
☠  The main stream media, mouthpiece of the left and the democrats in particular .

BOTH have subsequently lost all credibility when the truth came out exposing them for the insipid evidence suppressing and destroying liars they are. The course of their proceedings involved breaking the law and curailing the rights of taxpayers.

There were corrupt FBI agents leading the people into the capitol and their hired people portrayed protesters battling the police while orchestrating the capitol entrance surreptitiously. How nice for the photo opps they presented to substantiate their lies with additional liars.

There will be consequences for this activity. We will NEVER forget, nor allow you to do so.

The words:

      ☠  attack
      ☠  insurrection
      ☠  riot

were widely propagated by the democrats who know nothing about the truth at all.

There are consequences for misleading the world and they suffered the resounding defeat of the 2024 election by being the band of outrageous liars they are.

US House liars on the January 6 Attack

Schiff, Pelosi, and the entirety of the so-called "January 6 Committee" who went out of their way to break the law and deny the rights of those they would accuse while formulating all manner of false accusations will never be forgotten

☠  Boo Democrats.
☠  Boo Main Stream Meda.
☠  Boo Biden Criminal Family.
☠  Boo so-called " United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack"
☠  Boo Bennie "African maggot" Thompson, Chair, Corrupt Mississippi Turd Liar in Charge
☠  Boo Liz Cheney, Vice Chair, Election losing Corrupt Turd RINO liar and law breaker
☠  Boo Zoe Lofgren, Corrupt California West Coast Turd
☠  Boo Adam Schiff, Corrupt California Turd Liar Extraordinaire
☠  Boo Pete Aguilar, Corrupt California West Coast Turd
☠  Boo Stephanie Murphy, Corrupt Florida East Coast Turd
☠  Boo Jamie Raskin, Corrupt Maryland East Coast Turd
☠  Boo Elaine Luria, Corrupt Virginia East Coast Ex Navy Turd
☠  Boo Adam Kinzinger, Illinois Corrupt Turd RINO liar and miscreant

F☠ck you all and die.
The insurrection was all liar democrats, RINOs and main stream media.

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January 5, 2025
Biden is a Traitor
    Somebody Kill These Traitors
He gave Hillary Clinton the most bitter loser in electorial history and George Soros, agent provocateur and saboteur of elections by political contribution the presidential medal of freedom.

President John F Kennedy created this award and I feel certain that the scumbag proccedings such as these were not what he had in mind.

 Joseph Biden is scum.

 Hillary Clinton is scum.

 George Soros is scum.

There is no justice. Biden and his criminal family should be chained up and sent to GITMO on bread and water for life.

Hillary Clinton is such a pitiful pussy she can just be left to languish in the knowledge of her total failure as a politician.

She has to steep in that knowledge that the electorate didn't fall for her subterfuge and attempts to frame Donald Trump.

Somebody kill these traitors.

My mama won't let me do it.

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January 5, 2025
National Ellen Day 2025
ellen lesbian    

So January 5 brings us National Ellen Day and our ill wishes for the nastiest lesbian traitor bitch on the planet.

This evil lesbo hoe stank pussy bitch should have already had her head cut off.

If someone would take her to Saudi Arabia I'm sure they have an executioner or two up to the task.

There is nothing worse than a faker playing "nice" when she is inherently evil in every way.

Luckily she has abandoned the USA for Great Britain and hopefully we have seen the last of her

... and her "wife". Boo!

Ellen is an English girl’s name that means "torch" or "shining light".

This whore assumes the role of a man as though there are no consequences.

Pervert beware !

I want to witness you cast into the lake of fire along with your cohort.

Yes, I remain having difficulty with homosexuality. I do, however tolerate it in the presence of discretion.

Tags: people, sexuality, perverts
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