
February 17, 2025
Presidents Day 2025
Mount Rushmore

Today is President's Day.

It is a patriotic day which has been hijacked by the retail profession to lure shoppers into their midst to relieve them of their cash.

The day was moved in 1971 to permit more three day weekends.

The day is meant to honor all of the presidents throughout history.

However, if justice be done the crook and criminal Joseph Biden and his family should be thrown up against a wall and shot today.

  Boo Joseph Biden the monetizer of public office
  Boo Jill stupid bitch Biden who ran interference for him
  Boo Hunter gd druggie Biden the no talent unscrupulous immoral son
  Boo Biden criminal family who profiteered from Joe Biden's public office

They are a blight upon our country and they betrayed our nation by monetizing public office.

People need to see what can happen to the criminal element like the Bidens when you turn the taxpayer into your personal slush fund.

The same may be said for the entirety of the democratic party and the brigands and criminals it has brought to the fore.

Someday justice will be served and I hope it's sooner rather than later.

I'm ready to watch the Biden criminal family drop into a pool of gun shot wound blood at their feet.

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February 16, 2025
Do a Grouch a Favor Day 2025

I have been called 'grouchy' in the past. I have likely deserved the appellation.

I do get annoyed periodically with my fellow man — particularly in my search for solitude and the 'loner' thingie I tend to pursue.

So today we find Do A Grouch A Favor Day, observed each February 16 in an effort to help the grumpy elminate the mood.

Good luck with that.

Cross, irritable, angry, ogrish ... whatever you choose to call it you can take it or leave it.

Today is that day to lend a hand to your favorite grump and see if you can snap them out of it.

Stranger things have happened.

Happy Do a Grouch a Favor Day.

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February 15, 2025
Singles Awareness Day 2025
    single white mature female

I suppose it's appropriate to observe singles awareness right after Valentines Day. After all there must be a plethora of old broads and dudes out there in search of something resembling companionship and other aspects of interpersonal relations which may be unavailable to them in general.

Suffice it to say that I have found being single a groove. My most unhappy days involve trying to involve myself in the affairs of another and it's simply not worth it to me personally. Others need that signficant other. Others need to be controlled and influenced by some opposite sex manifestation. I do not.

I am satisfied to be left to my own devices in these latter days of my life.

Today is Singles Awareness Day aka Singles Appreciation Day. It is observed each February 15 and is an unofficial holiday celebrated by single people. I don't really "celebrate" it at all.

It serves as an alternative to Valentine's Day for people who are not married or in a romantic relationship. It recognizes love in all forms between friends, family and loving yourself.

What a loser.

On Singles Awareness Day, the unattached commiserate in their single status. Some want to remind romantic couples that they don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate life. Me, I can take it all or leave it. It's just another day.

It's a Lizzo moment for the masses.

Sooey !

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February 14, 2025
Happy Valentines Day 2025
Happy Valentines Day

Valentine's Day aka Saint Valentine's Day aka Feast of Saint Valentine is an annual February 14th observance which originated as a Christian feast day honoring a beatified martyr named Valentine.

Later it has evolved through a number of secular iterations and folk traditions whereby it has also become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love internationially.

When I was working I always marked the day with large 2 pound Whitman Samplers in the break room and greeted all my female cohorts with respect and admiration which, as it turns out — was totally for naught.

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February 13, 2025
Employee Legal Awareness Day 2025
Employee Legal Awareness Day    
Today is Employee Legal Awareness Day.

Seeing how I'm no longer anyone's employee and all the day has little for me personally.

It is all about your rights as an employee, particularly those contained in your employer's handbook.

Now then, there are pitfalls in the form of legal problems which may befall an employee and the risk of those is diminished by legal education as it pertains to your field in the context of public exposure and company policy.

I have never had any issue because I always was one to read through the SOPs (standard operating procedures) and would refer all inquiries though the either the personnel or public information offices where I worked. Employment or labor laws mediate the relationship between the employer, employee, and possibly the union were one in the loop. I was never in favor of unions and declined membership even in the light of heavy handed washroom intimidation attempts to coerce membership.

It only take one assertive white male to back them off nicely, particularly one with the overhand right I used to present.

There have been various acts of legislation over the years which added rights to the employee. I maintained a list of these for reference as required. They always have some stupid HR girl who can't really do anything except taddle on you to the boss because she certianly can't fend for herself.

All in all I made it a point to avoid the public and made those who wished to draw me out regret it. Employees will sometimes give your name and number to people in an attempt to 'bait' you. A swift kick in their ass typically handle second ocurrences quite nicely.

So happy Employee Legal Awareness Day to you. Know your rights and don't get walked on.

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February 12, 2025
Hug Day 2025

Hugs. I used to love them. Now I can take them or leave them.

People give and take them as a displays of affection and closeness. I mostly reserve the hug for my nieces and their children.

Today is Hug Day.

It is observed on the sixth day of Valentine’s Week — which is February 12 on the calendar.

We don't really know how or when the act of hugging began. Only that the term "hug" was coined some 450 years back in the old Norse. It is thought to be derived from the word hugga which means "to comfort".

It was initially an indication of intent when it came to adversarial encounter to show you mean no harm.

The act has only been socially approprate for the past 50 years or so and the hug has become part and parcel of public affection which has made it's way to the mainstream.

So whether greeting friends and relatives, saying farewell, or congratulating someone, we usually give an embrace.

The hug has also become and act of consolation or expression of sympathy we offer the hug.

We hug to wish luck to another and of course we hug as a general expression of affection intimate partners.

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February 11, 2025
The Crud has vanquished me ...
the crud    
The past few days have found me quite ill. While I used to pride myself on the fact that I never got sick around yon seventh I found myself struck down in my tracks by the flu or whatever and was bedridden for several days.

This left my dear mama to fend for herself which is something I don't ususually do.

The "crud" is a common term used to describe a range of mild, viral upper respiratory infections, often characterized by symptoms like a runny or stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, and low-grade fever.

WHell ... I don't know just what "mild" implies but my personal feelings are that when you feel you're on your death bed whatever you're going through is ANYTHING but "mild."

Suffice it to say I'm on the mend and will make all attempts not to neglect the blog as recent events forced me to feel as necessary.

Thank you for putting up with my sicko self.

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February 7, 2025
National Periodic Table Day 2025
Periodic Table of the Elements    
There was a time when I became enamored with the periodic table and felt compelled to learn the elements — to the point that I thought it should be included in everyone's education. Well ... though that timeframe was protracted I came to my senses long before the avent of The Big Bang Theory having given in up somwhere in the early 1980s for medical pursuits.

The periodic table aka the periodic table of the elements is an ordered arrangement of the chemical elements into rows which represent periods and columns which represent groups. They depict 'Periodic Law' which states when the elements are arranged in order of their atomic numbers an approximate recurrence of their properties may be observed.

Today we have National Periodic Table Day. It happens each Febrary 7 since 2016 under the auspices of one Mr David T Steineker of the Jefferson County Public School in Kentucky for reasons which remain largely unpublished. The chart remains the original idea of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, the Russian Chemist who used periodic law to correct some then accepted properties of some elements and also predict three such as the valence and atomic weight of uranium and three elements which remained undiscovered.

Here here to our chemical scientists who have led the way and to Mr David T Steineker for supporting the chart which puts it all together.

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February 6, 2025
National Lame Duck Day 2025
    Lamest Duck Since Carter Boo Democrats
Stupid democrats. The scourge of The Republic. Part and parcel of everything wrong in the USA.

Luckily the voters spoke loudly and ejected them from both The White House and much of Congress.

Today is National Lame Duck Day.

It is observed each February 6 in observance of the day the 20th Amendment was passed, reducing what’s known as the congressional "lame duck period" or the weeks between the congressional elections and their inauguration day.

During this time, elected officials on their way out of office tend to have less clout and are just waiting for their term to end, thus, they are considered lame ducks.

Most of us who care about the nation were praying for the day the Biden Harris debacle came to an end.

There are other types of political lame ducks that also deserve our attention today so read on to learn more about celebrating National Lame Duck Day!

Stupid Biden couldn't do anything except honor his fellow criminals with gold medals not meant for the criminal element he supports.

Joseph Biden was a lame duck from his first day in office. He was not making decisions, which I feel were delegated to the Obama pervert foreigner brigands.

Boo democrats. Boo Joe Biden. Boo Obama perverts.

Diminished capacity or not you are still a bunch of crooks, criminals, and riff-raff.

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February 5, 2025
National Weatherman's Day 2025
Efren Afante does the weather on WLTX channel 19 in Columbia SC    
I typically avoid the mainstream media.

This is because I have heard them lie many times regarding items of fact that I am aware.

This because they choose to misrepresent those people who defy them like President Trump.

This is because they represent much of what is stupid in the United States today.

Today is National Weatherman’s Day aka National Weatherperson’s Day.

It is observed each fifth of February and honors the meteorologists, weather forecasters, and broadcast meteorologists and storm spotters and observers. It is held on the birthday of one of the first weather observers in the United States, one John Jeffries known as the Father of American Weather Observation, who began taking daily measurements in 1774.

There are those who say I am quick to group the liars with the non liars in the mainstream media.

My issues surround the protection of the guilty by others in their enterprise.

Efren Afante is not someone I consider to be part of the credibility problem in the mainstream media.

HOWEVER, I say if you don't clean up your own house from a standpoint of truth and relevancy then you deserve what you get.

Happy National Weatherman’s Day or National Weatherperson’s Day. Whatever you choose to call it.

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February 4, 2025
USO Day 2025

My fondest memories of the Navy back during my hitch days were at the USO in Naples, Italy. There was a storefront location in a fine old wooden building with tables and chairs inside. I would go there and hang out infrequently seeing how there was always something else to do as well.

Friendly people, things to do and say. In all, it was a nice interlude for someone like me who sought a break from some of the rigors of the military and life at sea.

Today is USO Day. It is held each February 4 — being the birthday celebration of the American nonprofit-charitable corporation known as the United Service Organizations Inc.

It provides live entertainment, care packages, and much more, the USO is the bridge connecting overseas soldiers to their friends, families, and homes.

The USO partnered with the War Department, and later with the Department of Defense (DoD), to serve everyone in military life. They certainly have been a blessing in my life.

The USO has it's beginning in the efforts of WW2 social reformer one Mary Ingraham who was requested by President Roosevelt to provide services for those in military attachments internationally because he felt they need to be cheered up.

This was the beginnin of the USO which is a conglomerate of 6 other service organizations providing entertainment and a connection to home for all of those serving in the military.

After WW2 the USO was disbanded only to find itself revived as a function of the "cold war" and become chartered in the late 1970s.

They were there when I needed a friendly face and somewhere to go far from home.

I hope they stay for all the other service people around the world as well.

Happy USO Day.

USO Logo

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February 3, 2025
National Missing Persons Day 2025
I know of missing persons in my area; although I do not know them personally.

However, they impacted me as the result of those with whom I have interacted nonetheless.

Today is National Missing Persons Day. It happens each February 3 annually.

The day seeks to draw attention to those thousands of missing persons across the country and to bring awareness to the general public regarding them in the hopes of increasing the chances of them being found.

Dail Dinwiddie still missing

National Missing Persons Day was established May 25, 1983

Adults and children both may become missing during their activities of daily living.

Many are never seen or heard from again.

I chalk it up mostly to poor decisions made by those individuals leading up to their disappearance.

While I wish them well it's all too often we read of other tragedies at the hands of criminal elements which come to the fore.

I do not personally feel that I have ever been in danger of becoming captured and going missing.

I feel it's because of my personal attraction to pugilism, weapon techniques and firearms, as well as the acts associated with hand to hand combat which makes me a formidable adversary upon which someone might attempt to prey.

No, I don't believe I will ever go missing but that doesn't mean you won't.

Be careful out there.

Don't bring a stick to a gun fight.

See Also:

National Missing Persons Day 2023

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February 2, 2025
Self Renewal Day 2025
    Self Renewal Day
Today is Self Renewal Day. It is observed each February 2 annually.

The reason for the observance is that people might both improve themselves enhance personal skill sets toward that end.

Self-renewal implies anything done daily for personal growth.

The stepping out of comfort zones and attempting those behaviors which enhance growth and maturity are where this will lead you.

Those are the activities which improve the personality thorough an experiential world inventory beyond that they normally acquire.

These self renewal activities typically boost the mood and enhances the confidence of those participating.

Health maintenance and those things which encompass a lifestyle of good hygiene, nourishment, and the avoidance of toxic additions to the day make you decidedly more self aware and inclined to comport yourself well in the public eye.

Meditation, exercise, and time spent with those for whom you care are simply that cake you enjoy as a result of taking care of business.

Self renewal is a lifestyle choice. Botox is remains simply a pathetic adjunct.

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February 1, 2025
Spunky Old Broads Day 2025
Old Broads cast Shirley MacLaine, Debbie Reynolds, Joan Collins and Elizabeth Taylor    
Well, I guess it's a "good" thing. Today is Spunky Old Broads Day, meant to pay homage to the 50 and older set of the female persuasion.

Some are good, others bad.

The politics of some of the females lean too leftist libtard for my personal tastes.

It is held under the auspices of one Dr Gayle Carson since 2002. The general crux of the observance revolves around life not ending at the 50 year mark for women.

This is all part of a larger observance called Spunky Old Broads Month. I don't know, visualizing 'spunk' in conjunction with females really doesn't connote anything I might pursue.

The general consensus is that this observance is not just for old women.

The literature mentions how it describes all women as Spunky, Open, and Brave (SOB) puhLEEZE.

So, I suppose it's alright as long as you bathe frequently and not become some nasty smelly female.

Many body odors simply are not conducive to anything I care to be around. Sometimes the parfum just makes it all worse.

Whatever may be, I say go for it for I personally have no more zeal nor passion. It's lonely up here at the bottom.

See Also:

So Much for Hygiene Freaks like Me

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