
Four Twenty (420) Many Years Later

cannabis leaf
Back in my youth and young adulthood I consumed marijuana as a manifestation of the socialization which results from the peer culture into which I had naturally become immersed as a function of 'being like others'.

Yes ... but another poor choice of many over the years which became the hallmark of my life up to a point.

Anyway, all of this was contemporaneous with the now famous San Rafael California moniker for 'cannabis consumption' called 420 (four twenty) marking the 4:20 PM meeting time a group of local high school harrys got together to "smoke dope" and comiserate as "heads".

I must admit that some marijuana was (much) better than others and those excellent samples lead to paranoia while behind the wheel among other manifestations of legality viz a viz indulgence.

So the deliberate consumption of an illegal plant material leads to speaking in code such as 420 to symbolize that which might not be outwardly spoken as contrary to mores of the day.

Nowadays '420 friendly' means you tolerate marijuana consumption quite well in your presence. Though I do, I really pursue other company these days since I no longer personally use cannabis as a matter of personal preference.

Not one to encroach on the personal freedoms of others, as I said earlier this week my attitude towards such things remains "to each their own".