I recently had a visiting house guest who got bent out of shape over my Confederate Battle Flag wallpaper.
Actually, I don't know whether she was unhappy about the Confederate Flag symbology or the fact that I wasn't fazed by her constant complaints and admonitions that it should be removed.
She repeatedly asked that I take it down and I respectfully declined each time.
She then requested access to my machine and given the previous events and her demeanor I declined that as well. She requested her own account on my machine and I declined that too for the same reasons.
I was left with the feeling that she might try to enact some rage inspired software damage to my disk image to 'teach me a lesson' because of her rather suspicious approach. The fact that a regular user account can't do much of anything outside it's own profile was neither here nor there. This was a matter of technical integrity as it pertains to comportment in the presence of others and their equipment.
It would seem that if my machine wasn't good enough you should have brought your own PRIOR to making yourself appear to have some ulterior motive for gaining creditials to some workstation which is not yours.
She wanted access to my WIFI for her phone and I declined that as well. I told her she could access the internet all she wished through her cell vendor's free data plan. I don't do TikToc and this is what she was all about. This seemed to trigger her yet again. Projecting a sense integrity up front may be more efficacious in the end when you seek privileged access to a private network even though it may have 16,382 individual addresses available — and NO even though it didn't come up setting up a guest network was likewise out of the question.
So she left and I was pondering the events of the day and collecting my thoughts regarding the access of my network by others. Needless to say, after her abrupt departure in a huff I don't think we continue to be the close friends we once were.
All I can say is your technology is yours and my technology is mine and how you comport yourself when you want access to mine matters. Especially when you are utterly compelled to come off as that huffy ill-mannered manipulative democrat that you are.