We have another four-twenty cannabis oriented celebration for those initiates who indulge.
While in my heyday I would burn down a hogleg with the best of them, those days have been past some 30 years now.
I have often wondered the wherefore and the why and have come to the conclusion that I considered earning a living, eating, and living indoors to be more important to my existence than the fog induced by these escpades of passing around a doobie use to afford me.
Cannabis Indicus
Cannabis Sativa
Then there is my good ole ex-friend Rick.
Rick used to say how he was getting older and pretty hard headed and I took him totally at his word for indeed, after stating to me several times over the years that "I'm going to smoke my pot" and that's just the way it is he indeed landed one of the premiere jobs in his home town then promptly lost it at the very first informed consent drug test.
The large beautiful $50,000 truck he purchased just prior to the failed test ended up going back to the dealer.
He found employment at a local biker bar serving brewski's which likely is not even close to the deal he had prior to peeing in that fateful cup of destiny.
I can't help but think that letting go of the weed might have been more efficacious to his lifestyle than the approach he was dead set on maintaining. We who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it.
Be all of this as it may I certainly don't hold anyone's recreational drug use against them. I'm just saying there was no longer any room for such antics in my life because I had to maintain employment in an era where drug testing had become rampant.
It still exists but is less the anal retentive universal policy of the masses at large. However, I found that the haze of drugs passed and I liked the improved functionality overall.
A life of pounding a keyboard writing code all day can increase the importance of performance improvements in your life.