
National Mani Pedi Day 2024

Until recently I was getting a manicure and pedicure every six weeks or so from Mrs Goodfoot on Knox Abbott Drive in Cayce.

Nowadays, my nail technician Misty has moved on to greener pastures and this has left me in the 2 month range between maintenance visits.

Yesterday I was reduced to clipping my nails on my left hand because they had become unmanageable.

So I am now searching out another business with which to handle my nail care. I'm not saying that I absolutely will go somewhere else, but the present scheduling appears inadequate to meet my needs.

Today is National Mani-Pedi Day.

It happens each April 25th and it's a day to recognize the importance of good grooming as it relates to health and commerce. It is also a day to take note of those diligent nail technicians who administer this care everywhere. So if you're so inclined go out there and get your nails done. While I will admit that the concept took some getting used to — it rather grows on you over time.

Now I suffer the absence of what I consider to be adequate nail care. I feel less groomed, less presentable in polite company.