
Man Day 2023

Human Male and Female    

The Sunday prior to Valentine's Day brings us Man Day.

The genetic man exudes a maleness which naturally seeks genetic femaleness and the female of the species is what the genetic male is all about under normal circumstances.

In theory this day is to celebrate those of the male persuasion in your lives, i.e., genetic males NOT some wannabe woman masquerading as that man she will NEVER be — as though you can't tell ...

So this being February 12 we are immersed in genetic maleness created by that Y chromosome the transman simply cannot produce.

Maybe CRISPR technology may ultimately rewrite those wayward genes in a person thereby turning these fake men into edited genetic men ... such that they are.

But I wonder what the side effects might be.

Keep messing with nature transsexuals. I'm dying to see what happens to you. You keep on asking for it. Ultimately you will get yours.

We'll just have to see how things turn out for you in all your dissatisfaction.

Happy genetic Man Day to you !

All you fake men can just suck it.