
Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020

fake intellectual statement regarding transgenders    
This is really not a totally appropriate topic for me due to the misconception of ridicule others may imply. The female of the species has certain biologic cycles which renders them totally different from the so-called 'trans' abomination of women. They menstruate. Menses is the monthly sluffing off of the endometrium as the result of unfertilized ova reaching their end stage and as such is a necessary part of being female.

Men who mistakenly think that donning female attire makes them anything other than transvestites do not participate in this phenomenon because indeed they are NOT female. They only falsely perceive that they can be so. They are a biological ruse which the stupidity of the so-called progressive fakers of the world would have others believe is reality when it is not.

Today is Menstrual Hygiene Day, a yearly observance each May 28 bringing to light that importance of good menstrual hygiene management as a function of (true) female existence.

It began with the German-based NGO WASH United in 2014 in the name of women and girls internationally. Trans individuals who are fakers and liars need not apply. The day was picked in an effort to correlate an average 28 day menstrual cycle.

My interest in the whole thing surrounds female health and continually exposing that so-called trans females are simply male wolves in ewe's clothing.

This continual pursuit of "what isn't" by those progressives never ceases to amaze me. There is too much fake in the world anymore. Just because you think something doesn't make it reality.

Get past it trans fakers.