
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018

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The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), also known as the International Transgender Day of Remembrance to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of a nonexistent thing called "transphobia."

The "phobia" misnomers have somewhat confused me since their inception because they imply a "fear of" something where none exists.

A person in fear ls not likely to bash your ignorant of reality made up fake female booty and leave you bleeding in a ditch. Indeed, the "phobic" persons should be those who ignore reality and the facts of genetics and sexuality for their "feelings". For they are the endangered misguided species ... not the 'transphobic' animal doing the murdering.

While personally I am a "live and let live" kind of guy and not likely to take it upon myself to deprive you of your civil rights — like the right to respire and metabolize for your inability to realize what and who you are. I likewise do not care to indulge this fantasy that you're a "man" or "woman" just because that's the way you feel.

Also, it's quite a stupid idea to bring a stick to a gun fight and pick up rattlesnakes and such because you might "feel" they're harmless when they're not.

The existential facts care nothing about your feelings. They simply are what they are.

I respectfully submit that gender dysphoria is not "normal" by any stretch of the imagination and when you decide to force your lack of normality on some others you take your life into your own hands.