
Our Trans Freak in Healthcare

As if the current administration couldn't be more incompetent we now have a assistant secretary for health at the US Department of Health and Human Services who is a man who thinks that he is a woman.


This trans turdbird will oversee the departmental key public health offices and programs, numerous presidential and secretarial advisory committees, 10 regional health offices across the nation, the Office of the Surgeon General and the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

Just what we need. Another democrat freak in the mix screwing things up with their leftist libtard preoccupation with deviant behavior and desires to take down The Republic.

Stupid, inept and demented leadership thy name is Joe Biden and the rest of the know nothing, do nothing, election stealing democratic party.

This freak, Richard "Rachel" Levine was hand picked by the democrat buffoons who, as foretold in the Holy Bible, have declared that everything right is wrong and everything wrong is right.

The stupid Biden Administration has elevated this sick bird in the hopes of more acceptance which likely will never come.

This fellow has an XY (male) genotype and presents himself in a female (XX) phenotype and I think the world would be much better off without any of these sick individuals walking among us. Gender dysphoria, that feeling that an XY (male) person is an XX (female) person or that an XX (female) person is an XY (male) person is a mental illness. It just raises the spectre of sexual perversion to me.

I suffer from the mental illness that I should have been provided with a fifteen inch penis. This guy suffers from the mental illness that he is in actuality a woman despite his XY genotype. Neither of us will ever get what we believe should be reality.
This leaves a general population the bulk of whom will never become as idiotic and scientifically incorrect as the democrats and their sexually deviant consituents and I will NEVER use preferred pronouns and those who hazard a requirement may live to regret it immediately.

He has two children who get to know they are the products of conception of a mindfart miscreant daddy who thinks he is a woman and his wife has already divorced him ... go figure.

Where are Ann Coulter's death squads when we REALLY need them.