Now I really could care less as to how you live your personal life. I have gay friends. I have straight friends. I no longer have trans friends ... and I must have intentionally ran off all my feminist friends because their blue and pink haired asses have been gone the longest. Be all as this may.
So today we have National Coming Out Day, a annual awareness day each October 11 in the name of fags everywhere to support carpet munching females, fudge packing males, and idiots who think they were born the wrong sex.
Even the subculture perverts who identify as a part of the lesbo faggot swing both ways transfat miscreants not otherwise classified call this their day too.
So that political notion of your rights only go as far as my feelings allow lives on in the sicko sodomite traditions of these big bad pervs permeating free society.
Where are the death squads when you need them ?
Homophobic, huh?
The suffix "phobic" is indicative of fear. An individual who will draw down on you and deprive you of your civil right to breathe and metabolize simply doesn't qualify as as fear — more so some one to be feared.
While I come off as "Come on out fag, got just what you need" the reality is I'm going to live and let live and that means leave you to your own devices regardless of how deviant I may believe them to be.
Though I would recommend sending the entire LGBTQ community to some muslim country and see how far they get I will allow that perceived severity to continue rather than assume that far less severe posture you might think I have right now.