
Something it ISN'T

Though it's not a dominating force in my life; I keep hearing about the gender dysphoria crew and their desire to impose the gender of their personal choice upon a decision which was made prior even to their simplest awareness of self. I personally feel this latter day creation of the so-called "gender spectrum" is just another misnomer in the vein of all these other revisionist declarations the newbies would impose on the preexisting factoids in an effort to justify their feelings despite those realities of their existence.

Gender is NOT a SPECTRUM within normal. It is the "sex" of an individual, i.e., the state of being male or female.

There are two absolutes and a number of combinations secondary to anomaly ... but the bottom line here is chromosomes determine gender. You have two sex chromosomes in the absence of abnormal configurations which are indeed possible.

Two X chromosomes make gender female.

An X chromosome and a Y chromosome make gender male.

The variants of this arrangement is known as a "mosaic" chromosomal configuration. If you are a mosaic you are known as "intersexed" and exist as something else indeed; but it is not a statement of intrinsic normality — or necessarily "bad". Intersexed children have been brutalized by physicians eager to assign a definitive sex to them when it's neither indicated ... nor really wanted at the time.

All of these revisionists come lately may ignore those truisms present in nature all they wish; but the culmination of history consists of facts not that fiction written after the facts are recorded.

We keep on thinking that we need to try to alter the past instead of step up and claim it. What is IS. What wasn't ISN'T. You can't change the fundamental nature of that which never existed into "what is".

Despite outward appearances, if you're male you're male and if you're female you're female. You can identify with all the fallacy and fantasy the world will support in it's need to make you feel "included" but facts are facts and when you die you'll still be either some mosaic or XX or XY.

While I'm okay with calling men "women" and women "men" this penchant we have for ignoring genetics will not change a thing beyond the possibility of cosmetics. Serve it up any way you prefer, but the genotype and therefore the "sex" or "gender" of the individual remains the same.


Be who you are and dispose yourself as you will. In the end, denial of that fundamental makeup which is you hurts no one. However, facts will always be facts despite your "feelings". You are what your genetics say you are. Your personal fantasies can still be accommodated. I had to discard the vast bulk of mine because my moron "friends" couldn't see past them and called me a "bullshitter".

What do your perfectly transparent fantasies make you Miss Adams's Apple and Five O'Clock Shadow? Or how about you, Mr four foot eleven flannel or tee shirt wearing girlie man? That bearded lady act isn't fooling anyone.