
International Women's Day 2022

    Lia gd Thomas the man
International Women’s Day is held each March 8. It is claimed to be a global day celebrating the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also observed in support of taking action against gender inequality around the world.

Societal contributions of the female of the species are the crux of the observance.

Now then, we have freaks of nature ... the so-called "trans" sexual human beings who think they can be something beyond their chromosomal configurations simply because they choose to do so.

Deranged human beings such as trans swimmer Lia Thomas a University of Pennsylvania student who is a man masquerading as a woman on the woman's swim team, prancing and traipsing around the locker room naked with his penis on full display making the genetic females uncomfortable simply because his stupid institution embraces his so-called right to be delusional.

The institution should be made to pay. Were he doing this in the presence of one of my young female relatives I would make it my solemn duty to take him out of her picture by any means necessary.

It is a collective insanity of the left to discard science in the name of feelings. I don't care how he feels. He is a man and should be treated accordingly. Period.

Freaks should not be celebrated unless attending a circus sideshow — which is what the woke world has become.

This business of embracing of a total fallacy is why International Woman's Day should be cancelled. Too many so-called women today aren't really women.

Before our idiotic woke culture finally gets it we will likely devolve to a collective of these safe space seeking slobs who cannot accept who they are gracefully much like some whiny screaming mixed race bitch Yale student demanding the resignation of someone presenting a little logic in their presence.

XX = female
XY = male
the only normal variant is called mosaic aka "intersex" which combines XX and XY into various other configurations

XY individuals are not female.
XX individuals are not male.
Transexuals who claim to be female are not women.
Transexuals who claim to be male are not men.
Those who support them are just as deluded as they are.
Institutions that embrace the delusion exhibit faulty logic and corrupt actions.

If you're a parent expressing pride in your little poof of a boy that thinks he's a girl you should be taunted public and messy for your failure to instill effective role modeling on your little deviant pervert offspring.

Likewise, if you are one of the other tolerated deviants professing "rights" you need to be efficiently and permanently disposed of by society.

You are what you are and you is what you is stupid trans people. I decline to accept your stupidity. The characterless gullibility of the stupid leftist and progressive libtards never ceases to amaze me.

. . .

Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am
(A cow don't make ham . . . )
You ain't what you're not
So see what you got
You are what you is
An' that's all it 'tis

. . .

You Are What You Is
Frank Zappa