I keep wondering what happened to these wayward humans who think being a man and being a woman are interchangable ... or even human options. I don't know why genetics is not a valid concept in their woebegotton excuses for reality but that mistaken identity they seek to obain isn't theirs to have in any way shape or form.
The vast numbers I read who are whining about our failure to accept the transsexual as a viable human partner is a further confounding aspect of their failure to grasp reality.
The hysterical laughter I hear surrounding 'transwomen' wanting to date 'straight men' is a never ending source of amusement for we who know the truth. A straight man isn't wanting to be the homosexual dating a transwoman makes him.
When your chromosomal makeup is XY you are a man. Plain and simple. No level of wanting to be a woman is feasible in reality. It's all a figment of your misguided imagination.
More pathetic than this is the female who believes she is a man. When your sex chromosomes are XX you are never going to be a man. A transman is not a man. It is a woman who wants to be a man but can never be a REAL one.
Accepting who you are and what your limitations are is paramount to growth in this iteration of who you are. The only wildcard in the world of human sexuality is the 'chromosomal mosaic' who are IN ACTUALITY varying combinations of both sexes. This is the ONLY configuration which doesn't cancel your existence in reality if you decline to accept your genotype.
The transman is a farce.
The transwoman is a farce.
Your genotype controls gender.
Your phenotype may be your feeble attempt at disguise.
These are people who just lack the intellectual grasp of what is in control and what is not. Your feelings don't control your genetic makeup. Your gender is a function of
genetic makeup and not "how you feel".
Fake breasts, hormones, plastic surgery, and transvestism do not a true sex change make. It's all phenotype and therefore merely an illusion.
Like the stupid faker transwoman the moron Biden placed in his dullard administration ... your numbers are not the way. You would think an actual physician would have better sense but this clown doesn't.
Boo !