
Bradley Manning still thinks he's a girl

    Bradley Manning thinks hes a girl

It's Bradley Edward Manning's birthday.

He is the person who put on the military uniform of the USA then betrayed his country while on active duty.

Then he decided he was actually a woman in a man's body.

Now he thinks he's a full blown girl named Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.

Now then, as I have maintained innumerable times your sex is determined by the configuration of your sex chromosomes aka "genotype".

• If your genotype configuration is XX you are a female.
• If your genotype configuration is XY you're a male.
• If your genotype configuration is some composite of the two you're a chromosomal mosaic aka "intersex".

Those are your choices in life as we know it.

You aren't a female (or male) just because you say so.

Bradley Manning's genotype is XY. This renders him a male.

All of the manipulation of his phenotype (outward appearance including cosmetics, hormones, and surgery) he can do is not going to change his genetics.

He remains a genetic male and that is as far as you go with me.

I don't care about your feelings. I care about the biology. I care about the science.

A man who thinks he is a woman is about as unrealistic as the fifteen inch penis I always thought I was supposed to have. Sometimes you need to face reality and let the illogical go.

The fact that he is a totally screwed up individual is neither here nor there. How could he be anything BUT screwed up.

His is a constant progression of bad moves and someone that stupid should stay in the background as much as possible.

Just because the traitor brigand Obama commuted his sentence doesn't make it right.

Just saying you are something does not make it so. Biology tells the tale.

When you're a fairly unscrupulous immoral human being anyway what does your genotypical sex matter to those equally unsavory no character individuals you attract.

Some other equally fugly, deranged dissatisfied human being.




Bradley Manning    Bradley Manning

See Also:

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day 2021
Julian Assange arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London
Bradley Manning for Senate
The Reality Plot Thickens
Bradley Manning Remains a Traitor
The trouble with Chelsea
WikiLeaks at 10
Sometimes consequence are difficult