Bradley Manning, the XY who would be XX genotype going by "Chelsea" whistleblower attempted suicide for the second time last month according to his attorneys.
The only details involve his coping skills with prison life resulting in an alleged 'fragile mental state' which may pretty much be summed up as an inability to accept the consequences of his actions.
It appears as though the 35 year sentence for espionage isn't going very well ... with judicial punishment for previous attempts to off himself and the posession of contraband such as books.
It would seem that gender dysphoria is just a single facet of the screwed up individual Mr Manning is and has been. If you're unable to accept who you are it logically follows that tolerating what others find you to be will also be tolerated poorly.
It should be noted here that while a number of people find Mr Manning a 'hero' my humble opinion remains in the traitor range of human behavior and this failure to thrive is the result of betrayal of the uniform of the United States Army.
Suck it up and take what you have coming, Brad. The real world entails suffering the consequences of your actions.
It cannot be the fault of the world that you were born male and chose to betray your country while in the armed services. When you don the uniform the rules change. I suppose you found it all incongruent with the remainder of that fantasy which is your life.