
Bradley Manning Remains a Traitor

Manning is a traitor    
    Manning is a traitor
The outrageous poof Bradley "Call me Chelsea" Manning is still a traitor of the United States of America.

Convicted by courts martial of violating the Espionage Act and other crimes in July 2013 and sentenced to 35 years in prison but was commuted by then President Obama as one of those final slaps in the face he could deliver to The Republic prior to the blessed removal of his reign of destruction.

Bradley Manning disclosed some 750,000 classified and sensitive documents to Wikileaks while serving on active duty in the Army.

When I was in the Navy such activity would not have gone unpunished in the manner this person was afforded ... a pardon for treason.

In the true nature of liberals everywhere who applaud treason and hate America Barack Obama saw fit to pardon him.

However, he cannot change the facts that this little boy who thinks he's a little girl is a traitor to his country.

The little creep was even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by some other misguided human being.

And the media ... who boom derrogotory nothingness and false news via their stupid voices at everything Trump says or does remained oddly silent regarding those proceedings involving Wikileaks, Assange, Manning, et al.

All I can say is this man is not a hero. This man is not to be celebrated. This man is a traitor to his country who didn't even do the world a favor and kill himself after several tries in prison. His president emancipator whom he implied was a "weak leader" is no better.