I've pretty much been wanting to leave this alone as yet another misguided millenial gone astray due to the orientation imparted by an educational system populated largely with left wing twits influenced by the democrats tax and spend ideology in conjunction with the so-called "progressives" who simply want to take from the worker and give to the shirker ... or worse the ne'er-do-well Bernie Sanders 'socialist' utopians who simply don't have a foot in reality nor clue at all.
It seems this kid 'Reality Winner' is in far deeper than she originally appeared allegedly having downloaded sensitive NSA data to a USB drive and apparent written intimations that she wanted to burn down the White House and go to Afghanistan for the purpose of swearing alliegiance to the Taliban of all things.
If she had any inkling as to how the extremist adherents to the false implementation of Islam indigenous to the Taliban and ISIS treat their women ... if she understood the violent nature of their orientation to life; she would certainly not make such foolhardy assertions anywhere.
Much like her, at that age I was a similar fool. Luckily I had no designs on any of the mess she has pursued, much less the total lack of discretion she has utilized in her pursuit.
Rather than indulge some evaluation of comparative idiocy in American youth I prefer to stick to this particular matter because this is both a crime and a tragedy as well as a statement on the futility of wasted potential.
She told her sister that during her bond hearing she intended to play the "pretty, white and cute" card up front. First of all, given the fact that she was denied bond she may be white; but that seems to be about it in that department.
Secondly, one should consider the consequences PRIOR to the commission of a crime. Not how to get out of the mess after the fact.
Finally, with revelations of additional problematic events which are characterized as "more disturbing" in conjunction with a set of parents who appear every bit as naive as she does I don't feel this will end well for this little girl who tried to be slick but didn't even know how to play the game.
This is a sad tale indeed already — and it's not over. I hope that I don't cultivate the contempt for her that I have for Bradley Manning and his ridiculous pardoned criminal ass.