Bradley Manning the so-called "Chelsea immoral chick with a dick" Manning has declared as a candidate for the United States Senate in Maryland on the Democratic ticket.
Yes, the army soldier turned traitor pardoned by that other traitor Barack Obama could conceivably win and simply declare another oath as meaningless as that sworn to the army.
It's commercial is really quite the self righteous affair for a traitor as well speaking all high and mightily about how "we don't need them" (meaning the police, I think) and speaking in tones filled with the same level of contempt and disgust I have for it.
Unlike it, however, I love the God, United States, the US Military, law enforcement, guns, freedom of speech, conservatism, the Rule of Law, Judeo-Christian values, the unborn and among other priorities in my existence.
This thing running for congress has no mores and no loyalty. Surely they can keep it and it's traitorous proclivities out of Congress.
I looked into the future and gazed upon the Whore of Babylon, and lo, it's name was Chelsea Manning.