So the secrets started coming forth on WikiLeaks a decade ago and their celebratory posture claims more election and google secrets to be shortly forthcoming.
Why? Because everybody want everyone else to "dish" on something or someone and they are entirely too happy to accommodate our gossip — er ... FACT seeking world.
Julian Assange, founder and fugitive in embassy hiding has promised electoral revelations along with other whistleblower and tell-all dossiers of documents on whatever else he has that might titilate your thinking toward these mainstream icons and just how they operate behind closed doors.
While all too many are ready willing and able to sift through the masses of leaked communications it all has this tawdry "kiss and tell" taste to me.
Likely I will read digests of various leaked topicals that strike my fancy ... but I also think that Bradley Manning and other traitors of his ilk should be summarily executed on the supreme court steps.
Therefore, I'm much less a proponent of trading in government secrets even in the presence of those abuses I know occur.
However, I'm sure Mr Assange isn't sitting around worrying about what I think, either and has distinct plans regardless of that vetting I might wish for otherwise.
Suffice it to say that although this soap opera nouveaux has proven edifying at times, they're not the same type "stories" my dear late grandmother used to follow while cooking dinner on Hollow Creek prior to her decline.
We'll just have to see what happens next because despite our best efforts those results and consequences will evolve regardless of you or me.