Many years ago I used to smoke a lot. I gave it up quite a while back when I engaged my recreational drug discontinuation. I figured tar and nicotine to be just another set of recreational drugs to be shunned like the pills and the pot and the alcohol.
Today is National No Smoking Day. It is observed each second Wednesday of March so this year it will fall on March 13, 2024. The day is meant to provide a vehicle to reach out to smokers in your midst and encourage them to quit.
It would seem that the cardiovascular effects alone are sufficent to warrant cessation. The day began in 1984 on Ash Wednesday, appropriate enough I believe. Anyway the less you smoke the healthier you will be. Those deleterious effects can be reversed up to a point after you stop smoking.
If you wont' do it for YOU do it for someone you care for who doesn't want to see you die prematurely. I lost my beloved daddy to the effects of smoking because he could not put them down. Don't allow them to gain such a grip on you.