Smoking is hazardous to your heath. My sister smokes and ended up in the hospital.
She said the trouble began last Thursday. She ended up in the hospital when the pain became too much to bear.
This was Saturday. She toughed it out until she her pain tolerance broke down. She said that the administration of a nitroglycerin patch during initial treatment provided virtually immediate relief.
They did a heart cath lab procedure and she ended up with a stent to treat an almost totally occluded coronary artery to the tune of 98-99% blockage. One of the coronary vessels was characterized as "collapsed" and was judged untreatable.
It seems that her denial regarding smoking ALL THESE YEARS was not believed by her heart.
When you have a 4 vessel bypass it is not a good idea to continue smoking.
It's a sad notion that her home situation is not conducive to a healthier lifestyle.
Sadder still the fact that you walk into a house and are overwhelmed by the thick second hand smoke permeating the entire living space.
I am reticent to enter the place now. You take your life into your own hands just trying to be socially aware.
It is a difficult matter to make your feelings known regarding this blatant disregard for healthy lifestyle choices.
My family seems to fight me tooth and nail when I decline to both ignore and condone these activities.
I'm left feeling that I am simply to remain complacent and just let her finish killing herself off.