
National No Smoking Day 2023

    National No Smoking Day 2023
I think it's a shame that this STILL needs to be said.

Smoking is hazardous to people and other living things. Other tobacco use such as chewing tobacco, snuff, and so forth are equally hazardous, just more localized to the mouth, throat, and salivary glands. But I digress ...

The damage smoking does to both the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems in people is astounding.

The heartbreak of losing a close loved one prematurely cannot be measured.

I continue to enter public venues where my breathing is stifled by the second hand smoke of others who feel it is their right to damage MY health.

Today is National No Smoking Day. It goes down each second Wednesday of March. This year it will be March 8, 2023.

The day is supposed to be a time of outreach in an effort to get those for whom you care to stop smoking. The primary attractant to those who smoke is nicotine addiction.

Smokers who intend to continue have reached a point where their numbers are no longer diminishing.

Smoking and second hand smoke remain critical hazards for the heath of all people.

If you don't smoke don't start. If you smoke, make all efforts to try and quit.

If not for yourself, do it for those for whom you care.