
National Save the Eagles Day 2024

Bald Eagle

Of all the birds I've ever witnessed in the wild the Bald Eagle is the most majestic. Something about the yellow beak and eyes contrasted with the white head and brown to black body is very appealing to me personally.

Today is National Save the Eagles Day. It happens on January 10 since January 10, 2015 under the auspices of the Bergen County Audubon Society in an effort raise awareness about eagles and conservation efforts to prevent extinction.

The Endangered Species Act among other governmental instruments attempts to protect these animals and have helped the Bald Eagle to increase it's numbers.

I hope you will take a moment and become inspired to act on their behalf whenever and where ever you can.

People are not the only ones who call our world home.

See Also:

National Wildlife Day 2022
Draw a Bird Day 2022
National Bird Day 2020