My mother is an avid reader. Her tastes in reading are different from mine. Whereas she reads for pleasure I read for subject matter expertise.
Over the years Mom has amassed vast collections of paperback books ... with a few hardcovers scattered here and there and this has happened every few years for as long as I can remember.
Presently she has a large box overflowing with various tomes she has read and she is known to pass these around to family and friends freely. Others she likes to revisit after a while.
Nobody seems to want my copy of Javascript in 24 Hours, Perl 5, Regular Expressions ... or even Postgresql Development. It just goes to show you we are fickle in that topical matter we consume in our reading. I find that my reading habits have diminished quite a bit since retirement.
Today is Paperback Book Day.
It is observed as the anniversary of the date that the first Penguin paperbacks were published in England back in 1935.
Back then only hardcover books were considered good literature. Many people lacked the adequate funds to buy a lot of hardcover books, however.
Suffice it to say that the paperback book has placed a lot of reading material into the hands of we who are known to read over the years.