
International Children's Book Day 2022

I take extra time with children at this point in my life. It wasn't always this way. I recall a time when I was rather short with children and this memory has caused me personal pain over the years.

Nowadays it is my child relatives that are short with me. Particularly the little boy child relatives. I suppose turn about is fair play.  


When I was a younger man teaching college I had a number of nieces and nephews who congregated at my mother's home. She also kept a number of foster children as was the kind nature of both my parents.

I tried to make it a point to get a good supply of reading materials for them. I would get encyclopedias and other informative tomes which I set out at my mother's home.

To this I added a custom computer built by my own hands and an inkjet printer. Though by today's standards it was pretty weak, at the time it was a state of the art machine equipped with a 2400 baud modem and all the maintenance and enhancements I could supply.

I feel that this enabled me to contribute to their upbringing in my own humble way and I feel that these books and computer programs added to the edification of my young relatives as a function of spurring interest where one may have been diminished otherwise.

International Children's Book Day is celebrated on April 2, the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen a famous children's author of whom I have read extensively. The observance was founded in 1967 and is sponsored by the International Board on Books for Young People which is an international non-profit.

See Also:

International Children's Book Day 2020
International Children's Book Day 2018
ICBD (International Children's Book Day)