I've had a few interactions with various faries in my day. I had a friend our classmates called 'fairy joe' because they wanted to give him some crap about their alleged perceptions of his character.
There is Delia the Queen of the Fairies whom I engaged in various fantasy episodes in my youth. Then there is Eleanor the fairy from Wizards, a late 1970s animated feature which caught my attention in the Navy.
All in all I believe that "tinkerbell" from the Disney franchise Peter Pan was the least believable of all. Knowing the true nature of fairies will carry you much farther than some woke miscreants misrepresentation.
Today is International Fairy Day. It is observed each June 24 annually. The entire notion of mythological creature is somewhat lost on me given my experiences with fairies and I believe the world populace at large has lost their grip on reality.
I feel that I've seen a few fairies in my day. You can call me crazy.
I don't really subscribe to all the magical powers said to be attributed to fairies; however an animated being of a few inches in height which can fly away from you if it wants to says more than some idiotic "sprinkle some fairy dust before Tinkerbell dies".
It is surely mostly folklore, but somewhere in the mix the old Irish and Scottish cemeteries beg to differ with that which is propagated by the weak minded humans anyway.
So happy International Fairy Day and I hope you get to witness what I have someday.