
Geriatric Toothfairy Day 2022

geriatric tooth fairy    
I used to get regular dental checkups.

Then I went to Airport Family Dentistry at 3901 Edmund Hwy # C, West Columbia, SC 29170 and the sniveling ignorant arrogant trollup they placed before me at the counter offended me so badly I doubt I'll ever see a dentist again unless it's for an extraction.

Today is Geriatric Toothfairy Day.

It happens each November 9 in the United States.

The day supposedly brings awareness to the importance of oral health for the elderly in an effort to promote quality of life.

So if you're getting on like I am I hope your oral hygiene is acceptable and that your dentist hasn't allowed his staff to piss you off as badly as mine did me.

You may not be as competent to push your luck as I am.

I understand the physiologic mechanisms of tooth decay and dare say can hold my own without putting up with some unskilled rude bitch getting in my face at the counter of some dental office.

Luckily I have been a hygiene freak since I turned about 40 years old and though I care about oral wellbeing I prefer not having to go to some dental office and plant my foot up everybody's rude ass.

Happy Geriatric Toothfairy Day if you find yourself a senior citizen and can tolerate the insensitive help dentists sometimes hire.

I decline to EVER suffer again the outrageous flippance of some dullard dental employee.