
World Health Organization Pervert Paradise

As is the case of the United Nations, who view themselves as the monitors and controllers of the entirety of the world with their attempts at implementing Agenda 2030 ... the World Health Organization is just as inept and just as unjustifiably ambitious.

The World Health Organization has stated that they will take control of sex education for all children and begin it at first grade through sixth grade. Further they state:

  sex education will begin at birth
  be guided by the State via educators and not parents
  European countries Germany in particular have already begun integrating the WHO agenda into their curricula
  children will be taught masturbation, sodomy, sexual deviation and all the other perversons so in vogue with the leftist progressive ideology
  they want to totally destroy the youth prior to age 7 in their misinformed unscientific stupidity
  So the people who want to kill us off with their Agenda 2030 want to indoctrinate the children of the world such that the nuclear family becomes meaningless to subsequent generations that they may manipulate the entirety of the world population toward their own nefarious ends.

    WHO perverts paradise

Quite frankly, the Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe is a ‘rapey’ document that reads like the mind of a child-fiddling psychopath given control of public health.

Senator Malcolm Roberts
Australian Parliament
Children targeted by WHO "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe"
The Spectator Australia

These people in the World Health Organization — who are just as stupid as the CDC lamers who blew the COVID response out of their dumb unscientific asses in the United States need to butt out of family matters altogether and stop trying to usurp those values and the authority of parents in the name of their globalist peabrain pervert paradise vision of the world.

They are in the same demented vein as those who promote the idea that genetic men can change themselves into actual genetic females simply because they "want" to. These are the same people who think drag queens have something to contribute to the enducation of school children. The people are utterly daft in their lack of grasp in those concepts and beliefs which constitute reality.

See Also:

The Montreal Protocol 2021
World Health Day 2021
Last Year on this date China held a supposed day of mourning