
Last Year on this date China held a supposed day of mourning

WHO China Death    
On this day last year China held a "national day of mourning" for "martyrs" who died in the fight against the novel coronavirus disease outbreak.

Now then, seeing how the WUHAN China Coronavirus outbreak was the result of sloppy biological warfare preparations on the part of China I find the use of the words "martyr" and "mourning" strangely out of place.

The scumbag leadership of this rogue nation out to take over and consume the world have never been held to account. The World Health Organization who is in the back pocket of China were complicit in the coverup of the epidemiology and they and the rest of the gd United Nations should be ejected from the country like the criminal organizations they are.

So, on this day we have a fake observance by fakers who attempted to kill us all and missed their shot. The consequences for this were little to nothing as the leftists stole the election because the law wouldn't do their jobs. Even the supreme court of the US shirked their responsibility in dealing with this obvious transgression of fair play to a level of criminality as a matter of 'business as usual'.

The pussy unscrupulous immoral payoff taking Biden administration is in the pocket of China and by association the World Health Organization and until such time as thing come into alignment with fairness and equity we should not let up on these brigand no conscience chinese owned murderers.

The criminal element in these days of that subterfuge imposed upon the world by the enemies of the state remains both international and domestic and needs to be recognized and defended against.