We have another World Design Day which goes down each April 27 in an effort to promote design and it's impact upon the world.
Design can be fairly ambiguous in it's aspect of ubiquity. It occurs just about everywhere ...
From web sites, items of accent and/or decor, jewelry, pottery, painting, objects d'art, the landscape, architecture, communications, and so forth.
This celebration of design originated with one Kim Paulsen, who was at that time vice president of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations.
The first day was called World Graphics Day and was held on April 27, 1995.
The day is meant to be one of inspiration and awareness of form and that which makes the profession vibrant.
The public well being associated with good design elements wherever they may be is the crux of the observance.
Whomever and where ever you may be, World Design Day is a time to make note of those elements of structure and design in your midst.