
World Design Day 2022

    gag logo intergalactic

I do a fair amount of design in my everyday blogging life.

There are graphics to create, sketches to lay out and color, and a variety of artsy fartsy mess that goes with it.

Today is World Design Day, aka International Design Day.

It is held each April 27 and the International Council of Design is celebrating how design has improved everyday life in local communities in conjunction with it.

I really am not qualified to discern if my stuff is "good design" or "meaningful design" but I know it is simply design and the merits thereof are left to others.

Whether it is impactful is up to the viewer. I do know I get a compliment here and there.

So whatever you do where ever you are design plays a part in various aspects of your activities whether you do it or not.

Happy World Design Day.