I just love the equinoxes and other celetial events. It makes me feel part of a much larger picture; that of the solar system.
I have been much more observant of the seasons much more since the astronomical scientists in their infinite wisdom have chosen to demote Pluto from it's long standing status as a planet, I decline to accept that demotion and view it the same as I always have.
The Earth remains my home and barring any unforeseen extraterrestrial kidnaping which may be in my future I pretty much feel as though I'll be here for the duration.
Spring begins on March 20 and ends on June 21. Springtime is my second most favorite season, next to autumn. The advent of the vernal or spring equinox signals warming temperatures as we progress toward summer.
Typically the azaleas blossom early with their white, pink, and red variations.
We in the northern hemisphere are tilting closer to the sun and this results in longer day time hours and increasing warmth. Our friends in the southern hemisphere experience the opposite as they tilt farther from the sun.
I'm trying to get motivated and get out there in the yard and chop up a few leaves and pick up various yard debris blown out of the trees. It hasn't been going well but I have high hope for the future.
Spring has sprung
The grass has rizz
I wonder where the birdies is
Mr. Davis Shull
10th Grade Home Room
Wagener-Salley High School
circa 1971