
Typing Day 2025

    keyboard segment
Typing Day celebrates the ability to key or type upon a keyboard and effect communications with one another. Some of us take it a bit further and utilize the keyboard to earn a substantial living. I worked in computers for 40 years and utilized both text editors and command line interfaces in addition to the lamer Graphical User Interfaces such as those of Linux and Windoze.

Typing Day is observed every January 8. I personally lost the word "typing" years back in favor of "keying" or "keyboarding" because it is more relevant to my career in general. The first typewriters were manufactured in 1874 but did not become widely available until the 1885 or so.

I follow the day primarily because the skill was essential to my career. Had I not acquired strong keyboard utilization I dare say I would have never attained the nickname of "Wiz". It wasn't the speed so much as the combination of content and rapid acquisition.

Regardless, I hope you have taken to the keyboard. However, I also feel that cursive writing is important as well because today's students are stunningly lacking in the ability to read or write in cursive.

Talk about illiteracy being rampant in the educational system. This what you get for allowing the libtards to teach your children.

Happy Typing Day to you and try to keep it all in context.

See Also:

Typing Day 2020
Typing Day 2019