
Typing Day 2019

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With the advent of computers as a tool of office automation, keyboard skills have become much more important than they were as skills to be found in the old typing pools where manual and electric typewriters were used with paper instead of word processors and their ability for utilization in electronic media.

One of the best things I ever learned was typing because it opened doors to me which may have been closed otherwise. People weren't expecting to find a 300 pound bruiser with an accurate 80 words per minute going for them and indeed, the data entry operators of the day were not able to keep up with me.

Today is Typing Day. AKA International Typing Day and World Typing Day is a yearly observance originating in Malaysia and ocurring each January 8.

It is held under the auspices of the Speed Typing Contest Team from Junior Chamber International Mines and Team Typo Auto Corrector. It's purpose is to promte speed and accuracy in the production of written communications.

Though I am pretty much in the twilight years of my career, keyboards and typing have been there to see me through it all and I dare say that I would have existed as a laborer or some other blue collar pursuit had it not been for my typing ... which correlated directly to general keyboarding and subsequently cultivated programming as a career with further experience as things progressed.

It is due to the career advancement and indeed career provided that I am happy to celebrate Typing Day with my friends of Malaysia.

my keyboard of choice