Yesterday I saw yet another group of panhandlers in West Columbia. They were approaching shoppers and generally being a nuisance with their marginal to poor hygiene and arrogant aggressive behaviors expecting money from all who passed by.
We have a high incidence for panhandling in South Carolina.
A month or so back I went to the Walmart Marketplace on Knox Abbott Drive in Cayce, SC about a mile from my place to buy groceries and attempt to save a little money.
In the parking lot a lady with a young boy child who looked to be ten or so showed me a hand written notecard hitting me up for money because she said they were having a difficult time.
Look, I like to think I'm as charitable as the next guy BUT ...
First of all, the daddy of that child should have coughed up the twenty dollar bill I handed over after I pulled it from my pocket while stating that I didn't have any money.
In my defense I didn't actually realize I had cash in my pocket. Panhandlers are cultivating a sense of avoidance I never knew before.
My mom was somewhat annoyed at the prospect of going shopping while attempting to save money only to have someone wanting me to stand on the street corner handing it out as my late daddy used to accuse me of doing.
There is an idiot attorney in Greenville SC Stephen Henry thinks that panhandling is a first ammendment right guaranteed by the Constitution and that notion has been held up by the Supreme Court of SC. Anyway, I think that the ordinance across the river in the City and Richland County making panhandling against the law is the right thing to do.
Given the fact that I am not REALLY this fountain of cash spewing out my ass and all — as far too many believe me to be.
Furthermore, were the facts known I'm likewise opposed to all the other tresspassing going on in my life as well. People think they need to come into my yard and stand under my trees like they own them or something while others view my yard as a turnaround for the use of their automobiles.
Obviously, many simply don't think they might get shot.