
International Darwin Day 2022

Charles Darwin    
When I was in school I learned of Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. While many spiritually oriented individuals such as myself think that evolution is contradictory to theology and the creationist belief system I simply feel that it is a method of the almighty whose ways are mysterious and without question.

Science too is merely a divine methodology; much of which has been misrepresented in the public school systems particularly in the field of physics and we will some day know that subterfuge which has been shadow world leadership in the greater picture of the universe.

Inasmuch as I therefore see Darwin as a tool set upon the earth to bring to light those ways in which we are.

Charles Robert Darwin was a English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary biology. His proposition that all species of life have descended from common ancestors is now widely accepted and considered a fundamental concept in science.

He was born February 12, 1809 at The Mount House in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom. He died April 19, 1882 at his home called Down House in Downe, United Kingdom. His spouse was named Emma and they had a number of offspring together.

Among key awards and recognition he received are:

Copley Medal
Wollaston Medal
Royal Medal
Fellow of the Royal Society
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
Fellow of The Linnean Society
Fellow of the Zoological Society

International Darwin Day is held each February 12th in the name of inspiration of the people around the world to reflect and act on ideas like intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin.

It is a day for celebration, activism, and international cooperation for the advancement of science, education, and human well-being.

evolution in skulls

See Also:

Evolution Day
Evolution Day 2019
I'm NOT a Transhumanist