
If it's only available on Amazon I don't want it

    amazon and walmart suck
I hate to get off on yet another rant here, but I don't shop amazon. I'm pretty much done with walmart as well.

These are two retailers who think that they own you. Shit for IP geolocation. Act as though you can't spend your money elsewhere.

When all you can do is piss a customer off I ask you, why bother ?

I increasingly notice a fair number of items I would like to have being only available on Amazon.

I am fine with doing without.

I don't require any more stupidity in my life than already exists. All they have is a sad story, idiot employees, and substandard merchandising and it's just more than I care to continue tolerating.

You think you must accommodate their every whim to do business with them.

I can simply go down the street and get what I require from a local brick and mortar establishment and circumvent all the ecommerce bullshit.

Bullshit, thy name is amazon.
Bullshit, you also are called walmart.

See Also:

eCommerce is Tedious
Alexa Enabled Devices
I hate STUPID web sites
Alexa has been eavesdropping on owners from the beginning
Walmart New Checkout Experience
Resisting Amazon Hating on Walmart
I don't do Amazon anymore ...
Retail Seems to be Going Away