Though there are authorities which state to the contrary, I am under the impression that I do not have a guardian angel. To the best of my knowledge I have never noticed a contact attempt, nor do I hear voices advising me of any matter.
Rosie Cepero, host of the television series Angels Among Us makes claims otherwise. She says that we all have guardian angels. So it could be that my comportment has been such that my guardian angel feels I do not warrant any advise or intervention otherwise. Celestial abandonment not withstanding, suffice it to say I feel that God may shun me. I do not claim not to "deserve" it ...
But it remains a difficult matter with which to contend.
Today is Guardian Angel Day.
It happens each October 2 annually. Ostensibly we are supposed to recognize the protective role that guardian angels impart to our existence. There is a Catholic observance which celebrates the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels or the Feast of the Guardian Angels. I remain unconvinced that I have a guardian angel.
Most of us believe Guardian Angels exist. I don't doubt their existence, I just cannot recognize that which remains aloof from me. I also wonder why a group calling themselves "guardian angels" would have permitted the many abuses of the Catholic church through eons of history. Surely burning and torture cannot be their purview.
So yes, I believe there are guardian angels. I just don't think I have one, nor can I "second guess" the almighty. I suppose all things will be made known to me in due time. At least that's how I envision things.
I tried to get a reading from Rosie Cepero who has a television program touting communication with guardian angels — but she did not respond to me. I'm sure she cannot be all things to all people so I just bear this snub as apparent "just desserts" and carry on. Could this indeed be a portend of reality?
Happy Guardian Angel Day to all you lucky people who have one.