
Great American Grump Out 2024

Several times in my existence I have been referred to as "grumpy" or referred to as "a grump". I chalk it all up to that disconnect I maintain between me and all else — and I make no apologies.

Today is the Great American Grump Out.

It happens each first Wednesday of May. That places it on May Day this year.

Ideally you discard the grumpy mood and marinate your attitude in happy thoughts.

Like so many of these meaningless holidays it is held under the auspices of a private citizen, one Janice A Hathy who began these particular shenanigans in 2002.

While I certainly don't find fault with the premise I find the concept of having to mark each and every dad burn day as some ersatz holiday like it really matters.

So get on out there and be putrid all you care to be. Fake happiness is better than no happiness at all.

See Also:

National Grouch Day 2023
Great American Grump Out 2023