Over the years I've been called grumpy from time to time.
Invariably it's because I was indeed grumpy.
I can't really place a finger on the underlying cause of my bad temperment and irritability — only that it surely did happen and was likely due to something stupid in my midst.
Most likely some dumpy fat assed dullard college administrator making yet another ridiculous demand.
Today is the Great American Grump Out.
It is held on the first Wednesday of May making this year's event happen on May 3rd.
The observance is the brainchild of one Janice Halthy and has been going on since 2002.
The crux of the day surrounds finding those silver linings in all the dark clouds looming over your life.
It's also a time for reducing those stressors which may result from said dark clouds.
Mostly it's a day to assume joy and an appreciation for life to outshine those inevitable bad moments.