
Fashion Day 2024

    kid applying makeup
It's Fashion Day which happens on July 9th annually since 2016. It's designed to bring out that inner fashionista in you. So release that aestehetic aspect of your personality and dress to impress, accessorize, and apply that makeup with dexterity and attention to detail.

Like all too much in today's society the perverts seek to usurp this day for their own ends.

While I'll be the first to admit that my fashion conscious days are long over this notion of the day being for homos and transsexuals is sadly mistaken.

There is still time for many of you to put your best foot forward and present an image worthy without those seedy unkempt tacky elements of that faggot personality you should stop trying to assume.

So just try not to get too sow swine like drag queenish if you don't mind. There is a difference between the male and the female of the species that LGBTQIA+ universe of cretins just can't fathom because they are both stupid and display a distinct lack of raising. People should sprout from parents who aren't siblings. Men are not women. Women are not men. Outside of straight humanity there is only that wish to be what is not there.

See Also:

Fashion Day 2023
Fashion Revolution Day 2022