
Embrace Your Geekness Day 2022

geek eyes    
I used to revel in geekdom. I was okay with the moniker because it represented technical ability among the minions of computer illiterates.

Nowadays I have subdued interests in presenting a skilled presence because the primary outlet for my abilities is myself. You know, it's not a factor of skill to advertise so much as it is to be able when others are not.

I once worked with a girl who thought her college degree was all that mattered. The fact that she is an unskilled dolt was neither here nor there. She represented herself as a true geek when in reality she was a poor imitation without the ability to code, troubleshoot, or repair anything and without any of that requisite knowledge which qualifies you as technically proficient.

Yet she was CIO where I worked. This is because the administration was even more inept than she. There is no redeeming virtue at an incorporated municipality that promotes an absence of technical ability to this level so I departed and never looked back.

Today is Embrace Your Geekness Day. It is observed each July 13 annually.

The day encourages people to be proud of being a geek or for knowing a geek friend.

As for me, I'll simply continue my technical thing behind the scenes and have no further interest in self promotion or doing any favors.

However, this being said feel free to embrace my geekness should you feel the need.

See Also:

Geek Pride Day 2021
Geek Pride Day 2019
Geek Pride Day 2018
Geek Pride Day