Black Lives Matter is all about the marxist enrichment vehicle it is for the three black women who formed it.
Travyon Martin was a young black thug who was killed when he attacked the wrong person and it cost him his life.
Michael Brown was a long time strong arm robber who attacked a police officer and died trying to take his service weapon from him.
George Floyd was a drug addict who overdosed in public and died while being arrested yet it was blamed on arresting officers which helped to start the idiotic defund the police movement.
Black Lives Matter Day is a miscreant celebration in remembrance of blacks who simply got what they had coming. Some black people think when they murder it is all justified and if they are caught there should be mass protests by the populace who think they should go free simply because they are black and believe the world owes them something.
The inequality borne of blacks wanting something for nothing in The Republic is the stuff of come uppance ... black people looking for hand outs and wanting to replace the qualified in job opportunities. The "aw, we were slaves" argument becomes weaker each year. There will be NO reparations. It's such an impractical tired notion anymore where it has become obvious that some blacks are now out to get over on everybody via a free ride.
Black lives don't matter any more than anyone else.