
Wrong Trousers Day 2024

    Meet the Browns

When I was teaching college I frequently caught Tyler Perry's "Meet the Browns" on the television out in rural Aiken County.

The hallmark of many of the episodes were the outrageous trousers (and shirts) worn by the lead character "Brown". I say, I even went dressed as Brown one Halloween ...

But I'm afraid I was not well received. However, that group in which I circulated was a treacherous bunch of hypocritical back stabbers. I now have had another group comprising my inner circle for many years now.

Today is Wrong Trousers Day.

It is a July 1 this year and is a Brit construct which has migrated across the pond.

It is a vehicle for the support and funding of hospitals and hospices across the United Kingdom.

It's a day to don the most wacky pants you have and parade them around proudly — like Brown did on the televison show.

The Brits say donate to the cause for the "right to look wrong".

The day is designed to raise awareness, fundage, and a few eyebrows.

Go get them !