I believe that UFOs both exist and have been captured or appropriated or back engineered with surreptitious deals with extraterrestrials made beginning with the stupid Eisenhower administration as a continuation of the ground work done in the equally dullard Truman administration.
I believe the so-called "shadow government" has murdered citizens toward this end.
There is something to be said about a government which would consign it's citizens over to aliens of the planet earth for all manner of research even in the absence of an honored agreement supposedly set into place beforehand. I believe the Greada treaty which was declined by the Nordics and accepted by the Greys was entered into then ignored by the species Eisenhower who allowed them to abduct us in specified numbers in the name of procuring technologies in the best traditions of the Nazi party and their technology acquisitions.
Our elected officials bartered using taxpayers. Duh.
I believe the "Majestic Twelve" (MJ12) exists and is a criminal organization responsible for the murder of James Forrestal who wanted disclosure, and Phil Schneider over disclosure of the Alien Agenda and in particular the Dulce base on the Archuleta Mesa. I also feel that the Schneider was one of many transgressions which began with the strong arm military handling of Roswell and other recovery operations. The military should have never threatened a single taxpayer of the United States ... but they did.
The MJ12 confiscates the taxpayers money and then declines to disclose the nature of projects we the people are funding. This should be brought to a swift end but the congress is as spineless as everyone in the biden administration.
The New World Order is based on the Alien Agenda that idiotic leadership set into place then couldn't control because they appointed traitors to be in charge of it.
These shadow governement people control these undisclosed black operations projects saying it is for national security when it's really about personal gain and vendors supplying the military industrial complex.
I feel that we need to rout these individuals and remove them along with the shadow government and deep state from the nation by any means necessary. The cowardice of the elected officials of the United States is culpatory in this scenario.
They want to kill most of humanity then place a one world government into place to control everyone left.
Finally the false flag attempts to portray UFOs as attacking entities when they are far from it. These contrived attacks are an attempt to control the masses by the traitors in the shadow government and deep state.
I really don't appreciate the excuse that the general public can't handle the truth in these matters. Why has the world been allowed to devolve to such a totally stupid place ?