
World Statistics Day 2020

I am a very unlikely stats person. My math background was shaky throught my primary and secondary educations up into adulthood when I had the great epiphany of algebra with words, the various math properties and their interrelationships and lo and behold the spreadsheet and database management system where I too became the math wizard my sister always was.


So, I attribute all of this to simply being a petal on that late bloomer Dr Ted Rotz said I was and I am certainly fortunate that the computer came along and did a lot more than just equalizing the playing field. I finally had a competitive edge which was objective and could be demonstrated at any keyboard placed before me attached to the proper machine and software.

Lucky me. Thank you Dr Steve Lloyd. Thank you Dr Charlie Davis. Thank you my ex old best friend Darrell. You were all instrumental in making me the workaday world success I am today ... stats and all.

Today is World Statistics Day. It is an international observance celebrating statistics. It was created by the United Nations Statistical Commission and was first observed on October 20, 2010. It comes down every five years.

Inasmuch as I view the United Nations as both evil and unnecessary as well as a threat to life and liberty on the planet ... much like that subterfuge called BLM is to white people and The Republic everywhere; I'll stop here and just wish you a happy recurrence of this five year event.

UN Agenda 2030 means DEATH

To Hell with the united nations, their New World Order, and you foreign anuses occupying New York City. This goes double for you whining lying ass MARXIST BLM bitches.