Yeah, I suppose I've been rather partial to redheads since ...
about forever.
Those with natural red hair.
Not this primary feminist red some of the woke bitches proffer as a bloody misbegotten fashion statement.
I am similarly repelled by the gawd awful green crap some use as well.
I like the red in my redheads to be secondary to the presence of pheomelanin which is a reddish pigmentation and eumelanin which is a darker pigment.
There is a certain luciousness to the red headed woman that is only approachable by the blondes. I can't explain that animal magnetism to which I am subjected; only that this particular attraction is beyond my control.
There are redheads for whom I don't particularly care as well such as Prince Harry who has the retard judgement of a democrat and Kathy Griffin who is the absolute last word in woke idiots on the planet.
Otherwise, you others just sit back and enjoy the adoration.