
World Priest Day 2022

Rev Dorian Del Priore

When I was a much younger man just having recently left the navy I knew a fair number of people.

Some were friends, others acquaintances, and others ... well either frenemies ... or not.

Two of my acquaintances were Mr and Mrs Del Priore who lived off Elmwood Avenue in a large beautiful home Mr Del Priore was refurbishing.

The Del Priore family had a number of artisans who were all highly talented and skilled — and he was simply one of them.

I dare say his remodeling skills are second to none and I was always impressed with his work.

They had a precocious curly red headed child named Dorian I would have the opportunity to observe periodically and this child had a few insightful moments in my presence which were surprising to me personally.

I always enjoyed seeing him to just experience whatever happened next. He was full of surprises.

A few years back I learned he had grown up to become an Episcopalian Priest and is now Reverend Dorian Del Priore. The last time I checked he was in the St Peter's Episcopal Church in Greenville.

So there you have it. A success story of a child who grew up to be a man of profound faith and followed that faith into a calling of leadership within the body of Christ.

I think of him today because it is World Priest Day.

The day is celebrated and affirms those who commit their lives to God and His Church. The day provides an opportunity to express your support for these people who place us before themselves.